Dulce de Lech is pure gloriousness. It's smooth, rich, milky, caramely goodness. And, it's so darn easy to make at home. One single ingredient is all it takes to produce this delectable Easy Homemade Dulce de Leche.

Caramel and dulce de leche are similar but not the same. Caramel is made with sugar and dulce de leche comes about with sweetened milk.

Dulce de leche tastes similar to Butterscotch flavor. This recipe makes about a cup and half of sauce. 

There are many ways to prepare this one ingredient dessert topping. I prefer to add the sweetened condensed milk to a pan and use a water bath method in the oven. 

Using this method consistently produces a smooth consistency of rich, milky, caramel-like sauce

This is super duper easy to make and you'll find all kinds of fun ways to enjoy it!

How do you want to enjoy this? You can enjoy this sweet sauce over ice cream as a topping, drizzle over sliced apples, or have it over baked goods like these scones!